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affichage des propriétés/attributs des fichiers dll et exe via la ligne de commande

Vous pouvez utiliser ExifTool. Voici un exemple de son utilisation :

$ exiftool somefile.exe
ExifTool Version Number         : 9.27
File Name                       : somefile.exe
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 4.4 MB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2013:08:09 12:43:10-04:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2013:08:09 12:43:19-04:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2013:08:09 12:43:10-04:00
File Permissions                : rw-------
File Type                       : Win32 EXE
MIME Type                       : application/octet-stream
Machine Type                    : Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
Time Stamp                      : 1992:06:19 18:22:17-04:00
PE Type                         : PE32
Linker Version                  : 2.25
Code Size                       : 37888
Initialized Data Size           : 96256
Uninitialized Data Size         : 0
Entry Point                     : 0x9c40
OS Version                      : 1.0
Image Version                   : 6.0
Subsystem Version               : 4.0
Subsystem                       : Windows GUI
File Version Number             :
Product Version Number          :
File Flags Mask                 : 0x003f
File Flags                      : (none)
File OS                         : Win32
Object File Type                : Executable application
File Subtype                    : 0
Language Code                   : Neutral
Character Set                   : Unicode
Comments                        : This installation was built with Inno Setup.
Company Name                    : Some company
File Description                : Some company
File Version                    : 3.3
Legal Copyright                 : Copyright(c) 2009-2013 Some company
Product Name                    : Some company somefile
Product Version                 : 3.3

ExifTool prend en charge un certain nombre de types de fichiers et de formats de métadonnées. A partir du exiftool(1) page de manuel :

Below is a list of file types and meta information formats currently
supported by ExifTool (r = read, w = write, c = create):

File Types  
3FR   r     | EIP   r     | LA    r     | ORF   r/w   | RSRC  r  
3G2   r     | EPS   r/w   | LNK   r     | OTF   r     | RTF   r  
3GP   r     | ERF   r/w   | M2TS  r     | PAC   r     | RW2   r/w  
ACR   r     | EXE   r     | M4A/V r     | PAGES r     | RWL   r/w  
AFM   r     | EXIF  r/w/c | MEF   r/w   | PBM   r/w   | RWZ   r  
AI    r/w   | EXR   r     | MIE   r/w/c | PCD   r     | RM    r  
AIFF  r     | F4A/V r     | MIFF  r     | PDF   r/w   | SO    r  
APE   r     | FFF   r/w   | MKA   r     | PEF   r/w   | SR2   r/w  
ARW   r/w   | FLA   r     | MKS   r     | PFA   r     | SRF   r  
ASF   r     | FLAC  r     | MKV   r     | PFB   r     | SRW   r/w  
AVI   r     | FLV   r     | MNG   r/w   | PFM   r     | SVG   r  
BMP   r     | FPF   r     | MODD  r     | PGF   r     | SWF   r  
BTF   r     | FPX   r     | MOS   r/w   | PGM   r/w   | THM   r/w  
CHM   r     | GIF   r/w   | MOV   r     | PLIST r     | TIFF  r/w  
COS   r     | GZ    r     | MP3   r     | PICT  r     | TTC   r  
CR2   r/w   | HDP   r/w   | MP4   r     | PMP   r     | TTF   r  
CRW   r/w   | HDR   r     | MPC   r     | PNG   r/w   | VRD   r/w/c  
CS1   r/w   | HTML  r     | MPG   r     | PPM   r/w   | VSD   r  
DCM   r     | ICC   r/w/c | MPO   r/w   | PPT   r     | WAV   r  
DCP   r/w   | IDML  r     | MQV   r     | PPTX  r     | WDP   r/w  
DCR   r     | IIQ   r/w   | MRW   r/w   | PS    r/w   | WEBP  r  
DFONT r     | IND   r/w   | MXF   r     | PSB   r/w   | WEBM  r  
DIVX  r     | INX   r     | NEF   r/w   | PSD   r/w   | WMA   r  
DJVU  r     | ITC   r     | NRW   r/w   | PSP   r     | WMV   r  
DLL   r     | J2C   r     | NUMBERS r   | QTIF  r     | WV    r  
DNG   r/w   | JNG   r/w   | ODP   r     | RA    r     | X3F   r/w  
DOC   r     | JP2   r/w   | ODS   r     | RAF   r/w   | XCF   r  
DOCX  r     | JPEG  r/w   | ODT   r     | RAM   r     | XLS   r  
DV    r     | K25   r     | OFR   r     | RAR   r     | XLSX  r  
DVB   r     | KDC   r     | OGG   r     | RAW   r/w   | XMP   r/w/c  
DYLIB r     | KEY   r     | OGV   r     | RIFF  r     | ZIP   r  

Meta Information  
EXIF           r/w/c  |  CIFF           r/w  |  Ricoh RMETA    r  
GPS            r/w/c  |  AFCP           r/w  |  Picture Info   r  
IPTC           r/w/c  |  Kodak Meta     r/w  |  Adobe APP14    r  
XMP            r/w/c  |  FotoStation    r/w  |  MPF            r  
MakerNotes     r/w/c  |  PhotoMechanic  r/w  |  Stim           r  
Photoshop IRB  r/w/c  |  JPEG 2000      r    |  APE            r  
ICC Profile    r/w/c  |  DICOM          r    |  Vorbis         r  
MIE            r/w/c  |  Flash          r    |  SPIFF          r  
JFIF           r/w/c  |  FlashPix       r    |  DjVu           r  
Ducky APP12    r/w/c  |  QuickTime      r    |  M2TS           r  
PDF            r/w/c  |  Matroska       r    |  PE/COFF        r  
PNG            r/w/c  |  GeoTIFF        r    |  AVCHD          r  
Canon VRD      r/w/c  |  PrintIM        r    |  ZIP            r  
Nikon Capture  r/w/c  |  ID3            r    |  (and more)  

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